Monthly Archives: October 2012

Brainstorming in WW

Over the years I have searched and searched for great charts for brainstorming.  Here are a few to help you out!

What’s the point? Instead of watermelon seeds/ watermelon analogy try using a pencil point to explain narrowing your focus.

What’s the Point?

Then have students try it using a prompt idea to narrow their topics down.

Getting to the Point

And its these great ideas that lead to great stories.  Coming up with them is hard!  Even for adults– using the heart map to create a large list is really helpful with small children and even for the intermediate crowd!

Writing from the heart

Back to Watermelon/ Seeds stories– it is also helpful for students to see the difference between an all about story and a seed story.  Here are two smaller charts to help them see how the different stories compare.

All about (watermelon) story

Here is the Seed Idea Story- I hang them side by side.  Great visual for little kids.

Seed Idea Story

See ya later! Have fun brainstorming!

I have a few more to post on brainstorming that I will get on next week.

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Filed under Brainstorming, Charts, Writer's Workshop